Sunday, April 21, 2013

Quote du jour

"...I think the explanation is that his fans -- in and out of the media -- think Obama is incredibly persuasive. But he's not. He's incredibly good at saying things liberals already agree with that liberals think everyone else will find persuasive. As a result, whenever he tries to take his agenda "to the people" they assume it will work -- and it never does."
-Jonah Goldberg


  1. .

    "... to take his agenda "to the people" they assume it will work -- and it never does."

    On what planet does Jonah Goldberg live; never-being-correct planet?

    On earth and in USA the Affordable Care Act seems to be working quite well for the people. The government sponsored automobile industry 'bailout' has worked quite well for the people. USA economy is responding in a positive manner to the President's agenda and the nation's unemployment is down; all working for the people.

    President Obama must be rather persuasive to have convinced the people to vote for him and then to re-elect him.

    Ema Nymton

    1. "On earth and in USA the Affordable Care Act seems to be working quite well for the people" Ah, dear Ema! When you were divorced from reality, reality apparently got custody of all the working brain cells!

      "Quite well"? Obamacare, the Unaffordable Healthcare Act has not yet been fully implemented, and is already broken. Obama promised that people's insurance cost would go DOWN $2,500/yr, when in reality, it has gone UP more than that. He promised that if you "like your doctor...your insurance can keep it", only Obamacare has accelerated a shortage of doctors and will force many employers to do away with the "insurance people liked".

      Perhaps the most pernicious part of Obamacare, is that many of the workers who did not have health care, now find their hours have been reduced to 29 or less a week, so that they not only do not have health care, they have less income to purchase it on their own. Thanks, Obama!

      If you believe that Obamacare is working "quite well", if you mean in making the US more of a third world country, you may be right! If you mean "I've got mine, screw everyone else", that seems to be the mantra of the current Democrat party, at least, it's leadership.

      "President Obama must be rather persuasive..." Many liars and con men are. In that, he is indeed doing "quite well".
