Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Occupy Milk Lines? Updated: Correction

Our good friend Mike, late of El Opinador Compulsivo, sends us this photo of people standing in line, in pouring rain, in Caracas, Venezuela, when the government announced that milk would be available at ONE supermarket. FYI, Caracas has a population of 2.1 million people.

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At least socialism preserves the dignity of the individual! /sarc By contrast, people standing in lines in capitalist countries to buy the new iphone 5:

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Can you say, "Personal space?

This goes hand in (wash your filthy) hand with the recent story of TP shortages: Venezuela completely runs out of toilet paper

Update: Although there are shortages of milk and toilet paper in Venezuela, that's not what this picture is about. Our Venezuelan correspondent Mike has come up with the source of the confusion: a wrongly attributed photo from Reuters. The picture's actual caption translates:
Catholic pilgrims following the image of the local saint of Our Lady of Nazareth, in the greatest religious festival of the country, in the city of Belem at the mouth of the Amazon River.

The original image can be found here.

Cross posted at LCR


  1. Hmmm. Wonder what the lines at the shoe store look like?

    1. I did not notice that before. Not a Nike among 'em!

  2. That's how you do the twerking conga line under socialism.

    Meanwhile, i'm still trying to figure out why the original post dissapeared from facebook. Thanks for the mention !

    1. Mike, I don't think there's any way you could twerk in that line. As soon as anyone shook their booty, at least fifteen people behind them would collapse from the shock wave!

    2. Good point !

      Interestingly, a friend reposted the picture on a group I control... and an hour later the picture was gone, probably deleted by facebook black helicopter crew. Stay tuned.

  3. OK, found the problem. The picture was originally shared with an incorrect atribution. It's actually a Reuters image of brazilian pilgrims. See here :

    Probably Reuters is behind the facebook takedown of the pictures. In any case, my apologies for not doing due diligence first.

  4. Those are the fattest starving people I've ever seen.

    1. Most of our poor people are overweight. Maybe after Obamacare, Barry can introduce Universal Weight Watchers for those among us too poor to afford Jenny Craig?
