Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Kinder, Gentler Brand of Taunting

by Andrew Roman
The National Football is considering the institution of a penalty for the use of the word “nigger” on the football field during a game.  More accurately, a 15 yard infraction would be issued as a “first offense” while a repeat violation would result in the player’s banishment from that particular game.  It’s a proposal that will be on the docket during next week’s NFL Competition Committee meeting. Homophobic slurs will be considered as well. 
One would have to assume – or at least demand (in the name of the Left's most treasured value: equality) – that this sort of rule would apply to any and all slurs of an ethnic, racial or sexual orientation nature. Thus, in theory: No “kikes” on the field, no “spicks” on the sideline, no “fags” in the backfield, no “towelheads” in the end zone, no “white boys” at midfield.  (My educated guess is that "white boy" has been uttered more often on the gridiron than "kike," but I illustrate the point...)
Believe me, I would not weep if I never heard any of these words or phrases again. Arguably, the only thing more stupid than racism (yes, stupid) is making full length motion pictures out of old television series.
Still, there are microphones everywhere on a football field, so it won’t be difficult to zero in on the haters.  After all, the word "nigger" is a racial epithet ... even when used by the race it is meant to degrade, right? A bad word is a bad word.
Come to think of it, maybe this is the stepping stone that proponents of eliminating the word “redskins” have been waiting for. How can we allow such a hateful and racist term as “redskin” to subsist if the n-word is officially punishable with a 15-yard walk-off?
I wonder ..... what if the “slurs” are not ethnic or race based?
Can someone get flagged for calling someone a “girl?”
“Hey, (replace ethnic slur with player's first name), you tackle like my sister!”
Ouch! That'll show 'em!
Sexist maybe?
And what about insulting an opponent’s mother? Certainly, that is inexcusable.
And when the new threshold has been defined and implemented, how long until that line becomes “intolerable?”
And does this ban extend to the music played in the locker room before and after games as well? Will PG-13 lyrics become the new standard in locker rooms from coast to coast?
Obviously, no one is advocating - or even defending - the use of disgusting language. That isn't the point. No one is saying that teams shouldn’t be able discipline its own players in any way they see fit (assuming they have their own rules about such language). But let’s be perfectly honest. If the word “nigger” is used by players toward other players in a way not intended to slur them, the point of this politically correct exercise is what? Exactly what does the use of a racial slur – or any disparaging language – on the field of play have to do with the game itself? Why should the use of the word “nigger” in the middle of a 50-yard game winning drive suddenly affect the actual structure of the competition on the field with a flag? Calling someone a "nigger" should have MORE of an impact on the game than a face mask call? Or a pass interference?
Is this really a problem?
Taunting is as old as the game.
So, now we regulate a kinder and gentler brand of taunting?


  1. I briefly considered opening a Twitter account named "No Limit Enigma", but dropped the idea.

  2. Bob: I believe Andrew may have interpreted the picture of Travon you posted as a commentary on his commentary. I looked at it more as commentary on contemporary race relations.

  3. So stupid! The NFL is going to hell in a hand basket.

  4. Don't say "hell". You might get penalized half the distance to wherever!

  5. I did. LOL. I stand corrected on that score. I did not recognize Mr. Martin.

  6. The "Gosh-O-Golly" rule is now in effect.

  7. Heh. Can't say I blame you. Most of the photos of the late Mr. Martin show him as a 9 year old.

  8. Five yards for "heck" and ten yards for "dad gum it".
