Wednesday, February 12, 2025

A Face Only a Mother Could Love

In a more than slight deviation from regular blogging, have you seen this dog? Is it yours?? 
A homeless person said another homeless person tied him up and abandoned him. 
Hours and hours went by, no sign of the owner. I took the poor mutt home and made sure he was warm and had enough to drink and eat. 
Monday, I took him to the vet to get him checked out and a first round of shots. See if he was chipped. (He wasn't) 
 The doc said California law requires me to spend 14 days looking for his owner. Yes, the homeless person who abandoned him. Happy to do so! Please tell me which medium a homeless person is most likely to see? 
 If you recognize this guy, please tell me where you abandoned him and what he was wearing. His name would be helpful, too! He's a really sweet dog, so if you or someone you know wants him back, just tell me where you left him, and what collar(s) he was wearing. For your troubles, in addition to the mutt, you can have all the chew toys and dog paraphernalia I've acquired since Saturday..


Update: About a day after I wrote this, he stopped eating. Lost about two pounds from Monday to Saturday. Took him back to the vet. They gave him a Parvo test and referred me to a clinic in Elk Grove.
Their Parvo test came out negative, but they could see he was distressed. They tried both front legs to put a line in. Neither was successful. They gave me an estimate for the Parvo treatment of ten to thirteen thousand dollars!    : 0   Most expensive "free" dog I've ever had!

Thet kept him at the clinic for three days. Sent him home with me yesterday. Final bill was only around seven to eight grand, so, he's a bargain after all. He's perked up quite a bit since getting him back home.
I'll post a picture of him in captivity when I get a chance.

If his owner should show up in the next week, should I give them the bill?

Yeah. Right!

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