Sunday, January 4, 2009

Bill Richardson Withdraws Over Corruption Charges

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The happy couple just last month!

Bill Richardson is withdrawing his nomination to be commerce secretary, FOX News confirmed Sunday.

Richardson, who will remain governor of New Mexico, is facing a federal grand jury investigation into whether he exchanged government contracts for contributions to three Richardson political committees.

Richardson denies any wrongdoing but the investigation won't be finished before he has to go to a Senate confirmation hearing.

Happy New Year to you, too, Bill! The dust hasn't yet settled on the election and the scandals just keep on coming. (I believe this one was announced around Christmas Day, so that as few people as possible were even aware of it!) A Washington Post report on the grand jury indictment is here.

Obama has accepted his withdrawal. Yeah. Right! Like he would do anything else! Way to pick 'em, Barack! Your continuing good judgment is on an unbroken streak!

I suppose I should add, for the benefit of the pickers of nits around here, that it's not technically "glee", more of a gereral "schadenfreude"! Heh.

Hat tip Gateway Pundit
Cross posted at Say Anything

Update: Remember that 63 question questionnaire: Do you or any member of your immediate family own a gun?

Presuming Bill Richardson took that questionnaire too, I wonder how that's working out for Barack? Heh.

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