Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lewinsky and The Stain

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Lewinsky and The Stain*

Lewinsky and The Stain.
Lewinsky and The Stain.
One souvenir drove Clinton insane.
She wore her bright blue dress,
Bill Clinton to impress.
Lewinsky. Lewinsky and The Stain,
stain, stain, stain, stain,
stain, stain, stain, stain.

The intern on her knees,
got covered with Bill's jizz,
and before the night was done,
Bill knew just what "is" is!

Lewinsky and The Stain.
Lewinsky and The Stain.
One souvenir brought Clinton such pain.
She wore her bright blue dress,
It turned into a mess.
Lewinsky. Lewinsky and The Stain,
stain, stain, stain, stain,
stain, stain, stain, stain.

*To the tune of "Pinky and the Brain"
Not inspired by, but I blame Rip Van Bullwinkle for making the tune go through my head!

Maybe I can return the favor?