Saturday, May 14, 2011

New York Post Lists Bin Laden Porn Titles

via Alan Colmes

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As part of an article titled “Porno Osama Had A Big ‘Jihad On’” his favorites were revealed. Among them:

Debbie Does Abbotabad
Oral Qaeda
No Fatwa Chicks
9 1/2 Sheiks
Suicide Bombshells 6
Behind the Green Burqa
1000 Arabians in One Night
Weapons of Mass Seduction
SEAL Team Sex
Sleeper Cellmates

I guess I'm not a big aficionado of porn flicks. I couldn't come up with any. Maybe "Low Rent of Arabia"? That describes his housing more than his pron fetishes. Something with "Porky's" in it? "Lady Chatterley's Liverspots?" Something along the line of Victor/Victoria: Osama/Obamia? See? I told you this is not my area of expertise!

H/T Memeorandum


  1. They missed a couple of them

    Babylon Burqa and Hot Damascus Nights and of course for those with special tastes, the classic, "Moist Tigres."

  2. What no goats or camel titles? Not my area either I guess...I will stick to TNT and FNB.

  3. Camels and goats would be funny, too! Goatback Mountain? Camelback Mountain? Other than Debbie Does Dallas and Behind the Green Door, I just haven't heard of that many titles.

    Dhimmi Does Dallas?

  4. BC: "Moist Tigres" Is that like "Crouching Tiger, Hide the Salami"?

  5. "72 Virgins Gone Wild" and "Al Jizzeera".
