Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dishonest John Edwards Indicted

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Silky Pony primps

Such a lovely announcement! Such a deserving recipient! John Edwards, who cheated on his wife while she was suffering from cancer, who fathered an illegitimate child and forged an elaborate cover up, actually earned my contempt long before any of that.

Back when he was running for vice president, Edwards was interviewed on Fox News Sunday, where he attempted to smear and assassinate the character of Judge Charles W. Pickering, a Bush appointee. Judge Pickering, a long time advocate of civil rights was being smeared as a racist by Edwards and his party for political reasons alone. On Fox News, Edwards put forth opinions on Pickering's attempt to reconcile conflicting sentencing guidelines in a racial charged case, that, as a lawyer, Edwards should have either known better, or were he totally ignorant of the case, he should not have ventured an opinion. Edwards chose instead to misrepresent the judge's actions and character and thus earned my unending contempt for the man.

The six-count indictment caps a two-year investigation and represents a stunning fall for the man who rose from modest beginnings as the son of a millworker to become the Democratic Party's vice presidential nominee in 2004.

If convicted, the two-time presidential candidate faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine on each of the charges.

Thirty years and a million and a half in fines? It's a start! Hope he keeps his looks up for his cell mates.

This is schadenfreude. Happy birthday to me!

H/T Memeorandum

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