Saturday, October 1, 2011

Things That Make You Go, "Hmmm!"

Just briefly, because I really want to understand these things, but a lot is being made of the fact that the terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki was born in the US.

And Ron Paul has assured us that terrorism is caused because of our presence in their country... so if Anwar al-Awlaki was born in the US, does this mean we have to leave the US?

And if so, where do we go? Hmmmm. That would make for an interesting campaign slogan:

Get the US out of the US!


  1. Paul is a Jeckyl and Hyde. I love his small-government, sound money ideas, but I hate his naive foreign policy.

  2. " his small-government, sound money ideas, but I hate his naive foreign policy."

    Exactly! His views of the Constitution, applied domestically, are probably second to none. His foreign policy, coupled with the fact that he does have some associations with nutball truthers, etc. whose support he accepts and seems even to pander to, makes him unsuitable for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

  3. I just saw at Yahoo that the State Department has issued a warning about possible retaliation over the drone attack.

    One of the other people killed along with Anwar al-Awlaqi was a kid from North Carolina named Samir Kahn. Kahn published an english language propaganda magazine for Al Queda called "Inspire" of something like that.

    So any retaliation could also be referred to as...wait for it...the wrath of Kahn.

  4. the wrath of Kahn

    spart: I knew I should have had my coffee before I started reading my mail!
