Friday, September 28, 2018

The Fresh Face of the Democrat Party Redux

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The long overdue retirement of the ancient and crumbling Barbara Bouncer (D-CAlcified), got me to thinking about a piece I originally wrote in 2006 about the "new face" of the Democrat party. A few of the old souls have passed away, so I thought I'd give a quick update to the ruling class, still bellied up to the public trough.

"It has struck me odd for some time now, that the party of Rock the Vote has anything but a youthful visage (Pelosi’s botox notwithstanding!)

So here’s a short and by no means comprehensive list, in no particular order, of the Democratic leadership of the House, some Presidential wannabees and some of those wild and crazy young Senators (and their ages):"

Representative Nancy Pelosi (78) CA

Representative Steny Hoyer (79) MD

John Forbes Kerry (75 in December) MA

Senator Diane Feinstein (85) CA

Hillary Rodham Clinton (71 next month) NY

Joe Biden (76 in November) DE

Senator Charles E. Schumer (68 in November) NY

Senator Patrick Leahy (78) VT

Senator Tom Carper (71) DE

Senator Bill Nelson (75) FL

Senator Crazy Mazie Hirono (70) HI

Senator Ben Cardin (74) MD

Senator Elizabeth Warren (69) MA

Senator Dick Durbin (74 in November) IL

Senator Patty Murray (68 next month) WA

Senator Ed Markey (72) MA

Senator Debbie Stabenow (88) MI

Senator Claire McCaskill (65) MO

Senator Jon Tester (62) MT

Senator Jeanne Shaheen (71) NH

Senator Bob Menendez (64) NJ

Senator Tom Udall (70) NM

Senator Heidi Heitkamp (62) ND

Senator Sherrod Brown (65) OH

Senator Ron Wyden (69) OR

Senator Joe Manchin (71) WV

Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (68) TX

Senator Bernie Sanders (77) VT

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (a spring chicken at 63 next month) RI

Plus such leading lights in Democrat politics as Jesse Jackson (78 next month)

and Al Sharpton (64 next month!)

Dude! Stop Bogarting the Geritol!

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