As the swallows return to Capistrano, so comes the fifth blogiversary of Proof Positive. By the numbers: This time last year, 6000 posts, 382,000 hits from 198 countries, (which, I thought was every country on the planet*), averaging around six hundred hits a day. Nine days after I started, I added the widget from Sitemeter, which started off at about three hits a day (and one of them was me!).
Today, 7000+ posts, over half a million hits from 208 countries. My "ebuzz" ranking (formerly Wikio) among American political blogs is 167. (Got as high as 151 in January.)
I'd like to think that some of that growth is because of the content, provided by members of "Team Proof", some because of the "kindness of strangers" linking from some great blogs and some mighty fine looking women, occasionally featured on these pages. (Stacy McCain's Rule Five)
For those of you who visit on a regular basis, again, I thank you kindly for the time you spend here, whether contemplating the deep mysteries of life or just laughing as we poke fun at the foibles of fools. For those of you who were just
I ultimately take credit and/or blame for everything that appears here. To make this something you enjoy reading, I first make it something I would. Not everything here is meant to be earth shattering or profound, sometimes it's just funny, or interesting to me. And there's at least some new content everyday for non subscribers. (Subscribers sit with me on the beach, sipping rum drinks at Hanauma Bay. Subscription price To Be Determined.)
It's been a great five years. Most days are more fun than work. I have been joined by some outstanding bloggers, to entertain, enlighten and inform you. I appreciate every one who visits here, even the ones who disagree with me. (And you know who you are!) I'm trying to educate you just as fast as I can! (And, get a higher quality troll just as soon as I can afford one!)
*My bad. My 208th country visited 1/27/13.
Find me on Twitter @ProofBlog and Facebook
(BTW, There was supposed to be cake! )
Second blogiversary posting is here. Third is here.
The fourth is here.