by the
Left Coast RebelAnyone that has visited New York's Times Square has probably seen the highly esteemable permanent Manhattan fixture known as the 'naked cowboy.' Well, as you know he not actually naked but he does make his 'living' singing and playing guitar in briefs and a cowboy hat - his name is Robert Burck and he's 38 years old. What a weird world we live in - he even has a 'manager' by the name of Todd Rubenstein. What he manages, is up to the imagination.
Anyway that which is weird often becomes
that much weirder. There seems to be a naked cow(something) turf war of sorts ensuing...
Times Square isn't big enough for the two of them. The Naked Cowboy claims a bawdy, bikini-clad female busker who calls herself "The Naked Cowgirl" is ripping off his shtick, and he's threatening to lasso her into court for as much as $150,000.
The cowboy, whose real name is Robert Burck, sent a cease-and-desist letter to his foil, Sandy Kane, a fixture of the city comedy scene and former stripper famous for closing her act by lighting her breasts on fire.
"Your use of Naked Cowgirl is essentially identical to the Naked Cowboy and is clearly in violation" of Burck's trademark, read the letter.
There must be millions searching for the naked cowgirl since this story came out, judging by the fact that her site's
bandwidth has been exceeded. Now before you guys out there get any ideas on this 'naked cowgirl' gal, I want to warn you. All is not well and good in naked cowgirl land:
Then again, perhaps it was - many years ago. The 'naked cowgirl's' (and thank God she's not) name is Sandy Kaneand she's in her 50s. We'll see how this plays out. For now, I say 'cover up', please.